TEDxPortsmouth Team

Anna Goldsmith, Producer, Licensee
Role on the team: The decider, the email-answerer, the one who lies awake at night worrying if this year’s event will be a success.
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? I’m a partner at The Hired Pens (www.thehiredpens.com), a copywriting agency with offices in Boston and Portsmouth. When I am not writing or working on TEDxPortsmouth, I am either playing Monopoly or soccer with my two young sons or lying on the couch watching high-quality television with my husband.
Favorite TED Talk ever: In the spirit of bringing more levity to the stage this year, one of my favorite recent talks was from scientist and investor Simone Giertz: “Why You Should Make Useless Things.”
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: As a writer, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing these talks go from rough ideas to polished speeches. By show time, I know these talks by heart and follow along in my head as our speakers hit their marks. I’m always so proud of them!
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? How about Eleanor Roosevelt talking about gender identity?

Kaarin Olofsson Milne, Director
Role on the team: Director of all business elements of TEDxPortsmouth overseeing connections with our team, partners and sponsors as well as our budget and logistics. My goal is to ensure that TEDxPortsmouth remains a healthy and sustainable volunteer organization that showcases local ideas through in person events and recorded talks that are viewed by people around the world.
What do you do when not working on TEDx? As a partner, strategist, and project manager I help organizations achieve optimal health and sustainability through tailored shifts- without disrupting daily operations. Each client experience provides new insights as does my engagement with Leadership NH class of ’23 that challenge and expand my perspective and thinking. My favorite ‘free time’ activities are being out in the woods, on the water, or at a kitchen party with family and friends.
Current Favorite TED Talk: The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong by DanPallotta (A must-see for all non-profits!) A Creator-Led Internet, Built On Blockchain by Adam Mosseri
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: That TEDx gathers a community of energized people who are willing to inspire and be inspired. This spurs what I call ‘community convection’ and drives new energy and opportunities. Conversations that start at TEDx continue within small groups who then act in good faith to bring positive change within or across their areas of our community. For me, TEDx is a place of joy, of strength, and possibility. I couldn’t be more honored to be part of this group.
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? My Norwegian “Bestemor,” Gerd Olofsson, on how she maintained confidence and joy after World War 1, overcoming many obstacles to create her place in America. She was a true inspiration. I wish you could meet her!

Celeste Ladd, Sponsorship Director and Writing Coach
Role on the team: Sponsorship Director and Writing Coach
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? Currently, I work in fundraising as a writer for a small college in California. Prior to moving out west in 2016 (and then returning in 2019), I worked for several years to open 3S Artspace – the original host of TEDxPortsmouth! It was during this time I fell in love with Portsmouth and witnessed the power of community first-hand.
When I’m not working, I am either spending time with my husband and (almost) 4-year-old son, making pottery at Chases Garage in York, teaching myself how to garden, or getting lost in a good book. I am also a strong and vocal advocate for reproductive rights and finding ways to remember and honor my twin daughters.
Favorite TED Talk ever: “We don’t “move on” from grief. We move forward with it.” By Nora McInerny
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: My favorite part of the event is seeing the community gather together for a day full of positive energy and creative ideas. It’s truly one of the most inspiring days I’ve ever experienced. I’m honored to be a part of it this year!
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? Ruth Bader Ginsberg talking about women’s equality.

Karen Lyons, Director of Digital Marketing
Role on the team: I help TEDxPortsmouth tell its story across all social media platforms to generate new interest and enthusiasm for this incredible community-based event!
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? Taking care of my three kids and running marathons around the world! I started running after my 2nd child was born with profound disabilities, as a way to relax and restore my mental health. What started as running for charities to help people with disabilities became a passion for travel and for the sport!
Favorite TED Talk ever: “Embrace the Shake” always stuck with me. I love how Phil Hansen subtly makes the audience change their perceived assumptions about his disability over the course of his talk, as we discover, with him, that no person is limited.
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: I love the supportive energy and the enthusiasm of the audience when we all clap and cheer for a speaker whenever something they just said strikes a chord with all of us. That kind of interactive, insta-feedback for a speaker must feel amazing!
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? Helen Keller. One of my son’s multiple disabilities is that he’s Deafblind. As an accomplished author and speaker, Helen Keller taught us that communication and connection with others is vastly more than just speaking words. I’d love to hear her give a talk on ways we can all be more inclusive of those who communicate differently. Her tireless advocacy for people with visual and hearing impairments literally made the world a better place for my son.

Gail Knowles, Digital Roustabout
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? I was semi retired as of 2020, I do some work for community groups, of which TEDxPortsmouth is one. I started as an apprentice in printing after high school, moving from plate making, to color separations on camera (before scanners were a thing!), then on to computers, graphic design and settling into layout and image retouching. I’ve recently started learning to throw pots in a pottery studio, and riding my ebike to get around! I’m hoping my vegetable and flower garden will be less weedy this year.
Favorite TED Talk ever: Ethan Gilsdorf: “Why Dungeons & Dragons Is Good for You (In Real Life).”
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: Learning how everyone has a skill to share, and I love how the amazing TEDXPortsmouth experience transcends the stress of all the prep!
And, if you could see any historic figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? Terry Pratchett. I’d love to hear about his Discworld series, and my favorite characters Tiffany Aching and The Nac Mac Feegles (The Wee Free Men). Yes, it’s a YA book. Shut up.

Katinka de Ruiter, Lead Designer
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? Along with running Dotworks Design, an independent graphic design studio, I solo parent an amazing 12-year-old boy and our growing menagerie of pets. I’m a library trustee for the Portsmouth Public Library and volunteer as a UNH Marine Docent so I can teach kids about our incredible seacoast. I also make sure to squeeze in potluck dinners and Mah Jong with my cherished pandemic pod friend group. All of which often requires closing my eyes to the never-ending list of household maintenance.
Favorite TED Talk ever: The one that hasn’t been given yet. There are so many TED Talks that have opened my mind to new things. I love hearing about how ordinary people do extraordinary things. I want TED Talks to keep growing and expanding, and can’t wait to hear my next favorite.
Favorite part of TEDx Portsmouth: I always leave this event so inspired and wired. I’m amazed at the diversity and creativity within this community — how so many people have interesting things to share, and are willing to put so much energy into enhancing Portsmouth and beyond.
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk, who would it be and what would they talk about? I never got to meet my grandmother, who was a pioneer in her own right. I’d love to be able to hear her recount how her grit and ingenuity led her to shelter a Jewish child during the Holocaust, work on women’s commissions during the 1950’s and raise four children as a young widow.

Debbie Kane, Writing Coach & Speaker Communication
What I do when I’m not working on TEDx: Marketing specialist for Harriman, an architecture and engineering firm in Portsmouth, and a freelance writer. I’m happiest when I’m in motion, so you’ll probably find me hiking with my husband in the White Mountains, exploring a trail in the woods, dancing at the gym or in my kitchen or, more recently, figure skating. I’m also a board member and storyteller for Long Story Short at 3S Artspace in Portsmouth.
Favorite TED Talk: It’s hard to pick just one. I love Bevy Smith’s talk about being your authentic self. And because my childhood dream was to dance on Broadway, this talk by choreographer Ryan Heffington about self-expression and joy through dance really resonates.
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: It’s a huge honor to help our speakers bring their big ideas to the TED stage. All the hard work really pays off when they find their spot on the red dot and start speaking. I also love the camaraderie of our TED organizing committee; it’s a great group to work with!
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? Theodore Roosevelt. I’d like to know about his travels out West in the late 19th century and what inspired his efforts to establish national parks and preserve our natural resources. Also, artist Georgia O’Keeffe, because her work is so compelling.

Melissa Christenson, Writing & Performance Coach
What do you do when not working on TEDx? I am on a mission to rid the world of “you know, like, and kinda” filler words! I run my own company, Creative Training Resources (www.creativetrainingresources.com), providing customized training programs and coaching to help professionals clean up the mess created by poor communication. I’m always up for a cut-throat game of cribbage or hiking, biking, or paddle boarding somewhere in New Hampshire.
Favorite TED talk ever: Just one??? Brené Brown’s, Amy Cuddy’s, Sir Richard Branson’s…all in my top talks. My newest favorite is Sarah Kay’s, “If I should have daughter.” The performance, the message, the authenticity… all spot on! And, this is coming from someone who has a son.
Favorite Part of TEDxPortsmouth: This is my first year working with TEDxPortsmouth and I am blown away by the amazing, smart, and creative speakers. The dedication and hard-work of the volunteers at making sure the speakers shine in the best possible light is astonishing. It truly is an honor to be part of the team.
If you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED talk, who would it be and what would they talk about? I would love to hear a TED talk by Lao Tzu on how to stay centered and grounded in a world that feels so totally out of control.

Katie Drasser, Content Coach
Role on the team: Working with good humans to identify the heart of their idea and how they can share it with the world.
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? I am the CEO of RockHealth.org working to center equity at the intersection of technology and healthcare.
Favorite TED Talk ever: Not only is Sisonke a powerful leader, but her command of the written and spoken word is so influential. In this talk, she emphasizes that stories lie everywhere if we are paying attention and if we can see well beyond “stages” to find wisdom and clues about how we can show up and act to make the world more just.
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: Besides the wonderful team, the power of a place that has ideas relevant to a global community
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? I would love to hear from the mothers of Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi and Elie Weisel.

Allison Dudas, Writing Coach
Role on the team: Writing Coach
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? I own Seacoast Moms, a local website serving parents in the area. We offer hyper local digital advertising as well as host events for families. I also have 3 daughters, a husband, 2 cats and an obsession with yoga! I love to write, read, listen to Taylor Swift, and go to bed early.
Favorite TED Talk ever: I loved Nora McInerney’s talk on grief. She’s able to dance between the light and the dark– the humor and the tragedy of life.
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: Being in “the room where it happens”. Helping people be a part of shaping their message is so exciting. I love being a part of the creative process and encouraging people to refine their big idea.
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? This is an impossible question! So many people! I’d love to hear from someone prolifically creative about HOW they get inspired. But I’d want that person to also have a chaotic and busy life, like mine, so I could take their insight to heart. Someone like the poet Kate Baer or the musician Josh Ritter. I’m obsessed with people who are good with words and I want to hear about how they give themselves space to create in a chaotic world.

Lindsay Taylor, Event Director
Role on the team: Attention all volunteers, sponsors, speakers, and vendors. Need to know what is happening on the day of the event? Where you need to go? And what you need to do? I’m you’re gal — frazzled short hair, deer in headlights, hopped up on caffeine, and sporting a red track suit… ok, maybe not the suit… but you get the idea.
What do you do when not working on TEDx? I am the owner of Taylored Image, a local branding studio, and Naughty Good Bites, an online gourmet chocolate company. I’m also married to my high school sweetheart, a mom and #1 cheerleader to three amazing humans, and snuggler to three sweet golden retrievers. I love when I get to spend time in the kitchen, hiking in the mountains, or relaxing on the lake.
Favorite TED talk ever: Honestly, how can you pick? TED talks are always filled with inspiration and new ways of thinking. But one that always comes to mind is Stasia Savasuk’s “Change your pants, change your life.” If you haven’t seen it, give it a watch… you’ll be glad you did.
Favorite Part of TEDxPortsmouth: The community. From the volunteers and local vendors, to the attendees and inspiring speakers… the community this event creates is like no other. I attended my first TEDxPortsmouth event just last year in 2023. All it took was stepping into the Music Hall that very first time to know that this was something special. It’s that one day a year where you clear your calendar so that you can be in the same room with a community of like-minded, soul-filling, awe-inspiring individuals.
If you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED talk, who would it be and what would they talk about? My grandfather Jerry Sawyer, who was a gay man living in Boston on Beacon Hill in the 1970s and 80s. The dedication of “Jerry Sawyer Square” (for his community activism) is said to be the first time a gay man was honored by the City of Boston. I would love to hear my grandfather talk about his personal journey with acceptance.

Sharon Ippolito, Music Director / Performer
Role on team: I put together performances that highlight our theme and get the audience excited for what’s to come.
When not working on Ted: I am a nurse at Philips Exeter Academy and continue to dabble in singing/theater while still longing for my old piano bar days in NYC. I love exploring record stores and listening to music with my two sons and am very lucky to have an amazing husband who loves to cook so I can focus on making us a fabulous cocktail.
Favorite Ted talk: Quinta Christianson, “The New 5 second rule: Redefining the first impression”
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: In such a crazy world, we all need some time to step back and catch our breath. I love that this day allows for the audience to relax, reflect, and be inspired. As a friend once said, “it’s like a spa day for your brain.”
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? Florence Nightingale on integrity, compassion, and humility. The world could use a little more of all of the above.

Ashley Cooper, Entertainment Coordinator
Role on the team: Entertainment Coordinator
Years working with TEDxPortsmouth: This is my first and I couldn’t possibly be more excited!
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? I have the privilege to work at 3S Artspace as the marketing coordinator. Working at a non-profit in the arts has exposed me to so many wonderful artists and has opened my eyes to so many incredible pockets of the community I wasn’t aware of before. I spend my weekends following live music around town, trying new restaurants, and spending time with my family.
Favorite TED Talk ever: Oooh! It’s impossible to pick just one.
Adam Driver: My Journey From Marine to Actor
Luvvie Ajayi Jones: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: The strong sense of community and open-mindedness you leave with.

Amanda Giles, Web Mistress
Role on the team: I built and maintain the website. I also advise and/or help implement technical solutions to aid the team whenever possible.
What do you do when you are not working on TEDx? Slinging code, writing and performing spoken word, making art, or making sure everyone appreciates that Halloween is the best damn holiday ever and that Portsmouth, NH is the best town to celebrate it in.
Favorite TED Talk ever: I really love the talk by Amy Cuddy called “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are.” It’s a beautiful blend of science, emotion, and personal story.
Favorite part of TEDxPortsmouth: It’s so hard to pick just one thing. My favorite thing is the way the talks prick and stimulate my brain in new ways, but I also love the interaction with other attendees between talks.
And, if you could see any historical figure, living or dead, give a TED Talk who would it be and what would they talk about? I would love to hear Prince talk about the intersection between his sexuality and his conservative religious views and how both flourished in him when, in many people, one eclipses the other.