Talk Years: 2018

Why society can’t afford campus sexual violence

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Approximately a quarter of a million women entering college this year will be sexually assaulted before they graduate. If they graduate at all. While the physical and mental health consequences are well documented the economic and human capital losses suffered by both victims and society have not been examined. Potter details the magnitude of these losses and offers bold solutions.

Connect with your kids through the power of asking

Speaker: Ed Goyette
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In this eye-opening talk, a father recounts how one small but bold ask made by his father over 30 years ago not only resulted in a deeper connection with his own daughter, but set them both on a path to seemingly impossible adventures. This heartwarming lesson into the importance of putting action behind children’s curiosities is sure to inspire not only parents, but anyone who needs their faith in humanity restored.

Owl meet you in the woods: Escaping Nature Deficit Disorder

Speaker: Emily Calhoun
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You’re seven years old and are about to hear an owl for the first time — wouldn’t you be excited? Many adults remember childhoods filled with time outside, but childhood in today’s world is far different. With today’s children spending 90% of their time inside, we need something as exciting as owls to spark our interest in the natural world and rekindle our relationship with nature. Join Emily Calhoun on an owl prowl and discover the incredible superpowers of owls that can help us get outside, have fun, and appreciate the many benefits of time spent outside.

Misunderstanding dopamine: Why the language of addiction matters

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Dopamine is the star of our conversations about motivation and addiction. But journalists, marketers, and app developers alike have missed some critical details. Understanding how dopamine really works to motivate our everyday behaviors–and what goes wrong in drug addiction–is the key to more productive thinking about our ‘bad habits,’ as well as today’s opioid crisis.

Born positive: Leading the way while growing up with HIV

Speaker: Bill Kubicek
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Then, they were the first generation born HIV+. Now, they are the generation that has lead us to where we are now in the fight against HIV/AIDS and are poised to move us into the future. Bill Kubicek shares a career that has followed this group from when they were babies into adulthood.

Change your Pants, Change your Life!

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If you think style is superficial, then Stasia’s personal story of how she redefined style might just change your mind… and your wardrobe! In this moving and highly personal talk, Stasia shares how she tried to protect her 5-year-old daughter — who had physical differences — from the pain of not fitting in by dressing her in “the cutest little bootcut jeans and capped sleeves you’ve ever seen.” But it was her daughter, and her request for a button down shirt and bowtie, that transformed Stasia’s understanding of how crucial style is to our sense of self.

The Grandparents Civil Air Patrol

Speaker: Chuck Ott
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Grandparents and high school students find a way to examine and alter school culture, without punishment or reward. In this enlightening and funny talk, Chuck Ott shares how Portsmouth High School addressed problematic language in school.

Can a greenhouse gas save the planet?

Speaker: John Gargasz
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In this illuminating talk, John Gargasz explores the potential of converting the greenhouse gas methane into clean hydrogen and a new carbon based material – Miralon. His analytical and inspired approach to climate change could dramatically improve energy efficiency across multiple industries and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a massive scale. Prepare to be moved, amazed and infused with renewed optimism about the future of our planet!

Reducing single-use plastic at the local level

Speaker: Keith Tharp
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Keith Tharp makes the quick case for how small, local efforts and organizations can combine to make a large impact. Keith co-founded Sustainable Seacoast with his wife, a nonprofit organization with the primary goal of eliminating single-use plastic in their local restaurant industry. The results are actual reduction in plastic use and shifts in mindset for businesses and residents.

The L Path: Walking the leadership talk

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Leadership is both art and science. It should be seen as something of a sacred calling, too, given the magnitude of the challenges we face. Dr. Jessica McWade argues that the best leaders walk what she calls The L Path, using Learning, Laughing, Losing and Living to inspire their people — and themselves.

An artist collaborates with NASA for climate change action

Speaker: Kate Doyle
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In this inspiring talk packed with stunning visuals, artist Kate Doyle walks us through her newest project, a collaboration with NASA. After losing her friend, astronaut and climate scientist Dr. Piers Sellers, to pancreatic cancer, she shares how his final choices and commitment to climate change action forced her to step outside the comfortable confines of her studio to develop Ouroboros.